Thursday, December 8, 2011

Book Worm

Caroline has become quite the bookworm lately. It is actually kind of astonishing, because you would never think that she would sit still long enough to get through a book (can you say busy-body?), but she will sit there as long as you read, even if you read the same book over and over. She really loves the books with the flaps that you can fold back/down to show a surprise. She will just sit in the floor by herself and look under all of the flaps in a book. Caroline can also turn the page with no problem at all. When I am reading a book to her, I can tell her to "turn the page" when I am finished reading it, and she will just turn the page like a pro. I can't tell you how happy it makes this nerd to see that my Sweet Caroline loves books as much as I do.

"What's in here?"

You can't really see it here but she is smiling ear to ear. She loves pulling down that flap and seeing the reindeer.


Peaking inside the gingerbread house

Hopefully Caroline continues to take after me in this regard. Steven NEVER reads, except for work (which in his defense, the manuals that he has to read/study are HUGE and intense, so he doesn't have much of a desire to read for pleasure after that). He was that kid that looked at reading as more of a punishment than entertainment :( Either way, it still just tickles me to death that Caroline is so interested in books.

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