Thursday, November 17, 2011

Caroline 8 Months

Caroline is 8 months old! I almost can't believe it. She is getting so big and full of personality. Things are never boring around here.

She is still somewhat of a shrimp, but I think she has hit a major growth spurt. Almost over night, her pants have gotten too short. She still isn't really growing "out", but rather straight up. Still long and skinny.

I really miss the days when she wasn't mobile. These days, she is all over the place and I can't get ANYTHING done during the day. And she is fast too. She is still working on walking, but she seems to have slowed down a bit. After a couple minor falls, I think she finally got a little sense of fear (thank goodness). Now if I take her hands and try to get her to walk to me or with me, she just sits down. I can't decide if she has started to get more cautious or she has an "I'll-do-it-myself" attitude (given who her mother is, the latter would not be too surprising). But she is still "cruising" the furniture and LOVES to stand up.

Caroline has also been learning to feed herself. It is nice because I can put her in her high chair with some of her "puffs" or a Baby Mum Mum (basically a rice cake for babies) and her sippy cup and she is content for a little bit while I try to cook dinner. At first, food just ended up stuck all over her or in the high chair (for Fred to take care of), but she has gotten pretty accurate with her aim.

The other day, I taught her how to "high five". It isn't the most solid "five", but now when you hold your hand up and say "Give me five", she will take her hand and touch it to your palm, all while looking at you like "What is the big deal???". It is pretty darn cute if I do say so.

And, probably her biggest accomplishment to date is her babbling. I had noticed that Caroline would make a lot of noise, but never made an consonant sounds (i.e. bah dah, etc.). I wasn't worried (Steven will try to say otherwise), but I was cognizant of the situation. I read in several places that a lot of times when babies are early sitters, crawlers, etc., they are often so engrossed in developing those motor skills that they aren't focusing on other skills, such as language development, but they eventually catch up once they have mastered whatever motor skill they have been working on.

Well, she must have accomplished whatever she was working on because she has started babbling away. It started just this last week with "gah" which moved into "gah-gah-gah-gah". A couple days later it became "dah".............. Which turned into.......... "Dadadadada"........... Yup, she said "Dada" first. Steven won. I'm not bitter or disappointed or anything.... I mean, I'm just the one that housed her in my body for nearly 10 months, endured 21 hours of labor, and spent countless sleepless nights nursing her. No big deal. But seriously, I'm not really bothered by it because, as I told Steven, she doesn't even know what she is saying and has yet to attach any meaning with "Dada", so it doesn't count :) But for now, since she wakes up in the morning chattering away, shouldn't Dada be the first one up??? I think that should be the rule.

Big girl!

And of course, she still can't leave the weird blue bird alone
"Who me?"

On the move

So happy

She just would not sit still!

"Whatcha doing up there, Mom?"

"Look at me!"

She has been doing this a lot lately. I swear she is trying to do a somersault.

My, what big eyes you have.

Steven and I both agree, this is the most serious look we have ever seen her make. So funny.

But, it didn't last long ;)

I can't believe that my Sweet Caroline is only 4 months away from being 1..... I just can't wrap my head around that right now!

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