Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween cont'd

The Broussards had a pretty tame Halloween this year. Our friends, The Coopers, had an awesome Halloween party on Saturday night. They went all out with decorations, food, etc. Caroline was of course a bee, Steven was... I don't really know... He has this random 70's getup that he is always begging me to let him wear out for New Year's Eve (?), but I never let him. I was so pressed for time this year and really didn't have time to come up with anything for him, so I just let him wear that, which he was totally happy with. I went as Lady Gaga. At first it seemed like a great idea, just throw on a crazy blond wig and craziest stuff in my closet (No, I did NOT go in my underwear). But, it didn't work out so well. I discovered that she actually works really hard to look that weird. Ya win some, ya lose some. Unfortunately, I only have about 2 pics from the party, and they really aren't even worth posting :( It is hard to take pictures when you have full Halloween garb on and you're trying to keep up with a busy little bee.

And speaking of the my little bee, here she is in all of her Halloween glory:

So excited to be a bee!

Checking out the Jack-O-Lantern

So sweet ;)

And of course, just because you have wings, doesn't mean you can't crawl.

Cutest little bee butt ever!

I was actually very pleasantly surprised with how well she put up with her costume. She didn't seem to mind it at all. I figured that the wings would drive her crazy, but she never seemed to notice them. The only thing she really messed with was her tutu, which she tried to eat on numerous occassions.

This pic was actually about a week before Halloween when I had just finished her costume. We were doing a test run.

So, this is how Caroline crawls these days. She has a kick-stand. Before she started pulling herself up, she crawled totally normal. But after she started standing up on her own, she started putting that little leg out there like she is going to stand up at any minute. It certainly doesn't slow her down though. She can book it!

"Whatcha doin???"

Monday night (Halloween), Steven had class, so Caroline and I had to take care of trick or treaters together. I didn't take her trick or treating because, well, she can't eat candy and the candy that she would have received would have been consumed by yours truly. So, we settled in and got ready for the trick or treaters.

I gave her a bath before trick or treating started and just put her back in her costume so she could great the trick or treaters with me. While we waited, Caroline read a book.

My mom sent her this book for Halloween. It is called "Where is Baby's Pumpkin?". She loves it!

And of course we had to cruise the furniture.

Watching for trick or treaters. (Please disregard the nose prints on my window... The sad thing is, I had just cleaned this window 2 days before. Ugh.)

Caroline and I had fun seeing all of the trick or treaters. Since I was holding her on one hip, I had the bowl of candy in the other hand, and I didn't have another free hand to keep her from getting into the candy. She kept grabbing candy and throwing it. I guess she was just trying to help me out.

Steven got home about 15 minutes before I turned the light out and put Caroline to bed. She got to spend a little time with Daddy before she turned in for the night.

Caroline is SO fascinated by the patches on Steven's flight suit. They are really colorful and textural, so of course she loves them. Steven had taken one of his arm patches off and was letting her play/chew on it.

I am so excited to take Caroline trick or treating next year, and in years to come. I just can't wait to see how excited she will get to dress up or who/what she will want to dress up as. Fun times ahead! Ciao!

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