Here is a hint:
Any guesses????? A bumble bee!!!! Caroline's BFF Addie is going to be a lady bug and together they will be insect buddies. Val and I are making their costumes and I must say, they are going to be super cute (duh). I made Caroline's little antennae head band a couple days ago. I was kind of worried that she wouldn't tolerate wearing it, but she didn't mind at all! In fact, she didn't even seem to notice it. I may or may not have let her play in it for a good 15 minutes (I'm easily entertained, ok?).
I'm almost finished with her costume. I'm working on the wings right now. If I can keep wings on her, than I am going to apply for a job with Chris March and make outrageous costumes for Broadway. Ok, I need to slow down a bit and get back to reality. Stay tuned for the finished product! Toodles for now!
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